Newswomen: 25 Years of Front-Page Journalism


A necessary addition to the canon of journalistic literature, “Newswomen” is an anthology of great newspaper writing by women from journalist Mike Sager’s publishing house, The Sager Group. The text features work by female literary and investigative reporters whose newspaper writing has garnered awards over the past century. Each chapter includes a bio, a selected story, and an author’s afterword prepared especially for this book. The Riveter co-founders Kaylen Ralph and Joanna Demkiewicz conducted interviews with each of the journalists from everything about writing process to sexism in the newsroom.

A large percentage of college and graduate school journalism students are women. Yet textbooks and resource material available is decidedly male-centric. The Sager Group has responded to the demand for affordable, accessible, female-centric anthologies with this collection; two more anthologies of literary longform writing by women are upcoming. To read The Riveter’s call to inclusion, learn more here, and for more information about The Sager Group, visit the website.

Newswomen” features writing by Edna Buchanan, Christine Brennan, Jacqui Banaszynski, and more. Edited by associate professor of journalism Joyce Hoffman, “Newswomen” reflects women‘s work that has too often been kept in the shadows.
